Jun 28, 2023
Welcome to your July monthly message from the universe! Today, we’re pulling from the Healing Waters Oracle Deck. This July, it’s time for you to take a breath and take care of yourself. Understanding your needs is gonna be super important this summer! It’s okay to take some time within yourself when you need to....
Jun 21, 2023
This episode, Tiffany talks about feeling grateful and how significant the attitude of gratitude is, as well as the feelings of longing and the desire for more. You can still want other things and manifest more for yourself while being grateful for what you already have! Let’s dive into how to reach for more...
Jun 14, 2023
Today, Tiffany spills some secrets to improve your meditation. Meditation calms your body, regulating your breathing and nervous system. Daily meditation can make a great difference and help calm you down and relieve stress and anxiety in your everyday life. Learn all about ways to improve your life through meditation...
Jun 7, 2023
Today, we welcome special guest Dr. Ren! Dr. Ren is a chiropractor, reiki master, spinal energetics practitioner, and much more! She discusses her spiritual journey and her life as a brain aneurysm survivor, detailing her experiences and explaining how her spirituality has helped her throughout her journey.